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J.Cole - Truly Yours (mixtape)



"It’s time.


I appreciate you giving me the time I needed to grow, experiment, and find the direction for my 2nd album.. And I have. Along the way I’ve recorded at least 4 albums worth of material, lots of it being unfinished demo versions waiting to be polished up, some of them are great songs and important stories that just won’t make the album (either they don’t fit Sonically, don’t fit Theme, or there’s just not enough space) .

Tonight, I want to give you a few of these songs because you deserve them. It’s hard as fuck for me to keep all this music from you for so long, so I know it’s been hard for you to wait. Thank you for your patience. Vibe out to these songs in their raw form, no polish.. just a lot of my soul..

The wait is over.


Truly Yours,

Born Sinner


PS- 1st single coming this week. The album is hands down my best work yet. Can’t wait to share."


E' con queste parole che il rapper J.Cole regala inaspettatamente ai propri fans il nuovo mixtape dal titolo Truly Yours che anticipa la pubblicazione del suo secondo album ufficiale.

Truly Yours mixtape è scaricabile in free download.







Author: Lorenzo