- Categoria: Eyes On The Game
- Scritto da Gabriele
QueenzFlip: l'uomo del momento!

Sarà capitato anche a voi in questi giorni di vedere tra i vari social, numerosi video di un ragazzo afroamericano piuttosto corpulento, che impazzisce letteralmente, mentre pompa a tutto volume storiche hit rap al volante della sua auto, importunando chiunque gli capiti sul posto del passeggero senza distinzioni di sesso e/o età.
Questo ragazzo che si chiama QueenzFlip sta spopolando sul web con i suoi video, sapete perche? Semplice, perche realizza in brevi video il desiderio più grande e nascosto sogno di tutti noi, quando alla guida sentiamo partire dalle nostre autoradio pezzi come “Ante Up” o “Ruff Ryders Anthem” vale a dire: Dare di matto senza alcun scrupolo di chi ci sia al nostro fianco, fregandosene di qualsiasi norma sociale di buon costume e lasciandosi trascinare dalla cattiveria di pezzi del genere.
Quindi se da oggi ci sentiremo tutti più liberi, naturali e quasi cool nello sprigionare la nostra follia alla guida (accompagnati da passeggeri molto più intimoriti), il merito è tutto di questo ragazzone del Queens.
#FlipSongReactions#BustaRhymes#putyourhandswheremyeyescansee Ever since my princess turned 6 she wanted to ride in the front seat, but as we all know it's against the law at her age, so I woke her up said he baby bring your FOXEE & lets go for a ride , you'll be in the front Lmaooo BUT LITTLE DID SHE KNOW DADDY WAS GONNA GET HER Everyone meet my Princess lol I had to also WHEN @conglomerateent songs play I go crazy FOLLOW MY TWITTER @QUEENZFLIP IF YOU HAVE SONG YOU WANT ME TO DANCE TO OR ANY BUSINESS INQUIRIES HIT MY MANAGER ↗️@kingmil↙️ & SEND A EMAIL TO @itsmrbias@gmail #lol #hilarious #reaction #funniest15seconds #funniestshitever #crash #Family1st #funny #stupid #bruh #holdvinez #hoodvines #hoodvine #ratchet #ratchetville #Tears #ratchetpeoplemeet #ratchetproblems #Twins #twinz #twin #stupendous #hahaha #Queenzflip #iamQueenzflip
Posted by Queenzflip on Giovedì 3 dicembre 2015
#FlipSongReactions#LilJon#liljonandtheeastsideboyz #IDONTGIVEAFUCKWhen lil Jon comes on I go crazy .. I don't care if she's late for work or what, I Go bananas on top of that when you're getting #crunk you can't have water or any beverages lol Oh she made it to work LATE CAUSE I RIPPED HER SHIRT just cause we go viral the work don't stop #lol #hilarious #reaction #funniest15seconds #funniestshitever #crash #Family1st #funny #stupid #bruh #holdvinez #hoodvines #hoodvine #ratchet #ratchetville #Tears #ratchetpeoplemeet #ratchetproblems #Twins #twinz #twin #stupendous #hahaha #funniestshitever #funnyinstavid #bronkers #crazy #Crunk #ATL #crunked
Posted by Queenzflip on Martedì 1 dicembre 2015
#FlipSongReactions #AnteUp#MOP , #bustarhymes #RemyMa#GoodMorning While dropping my son to school #AnteUp came on and I went crazy Smh l I'm sorry man & My son is fine it's just MAN O MAN , Had to knock the cereal away to hyped sonIM BOUGHT HIM MCDONALDS AFTER #lol #hilarious #reaction #funniest15seconds #funniestshitever #crash #Family1st #funny #stupid #bruh #holdvinez #hoodvines #hoodvine #ratchet #ratchetville #Tears #ratchetpeoplemeet #ratchetproblems #Twins #twinz #twin #stupendous #hahaha #funniestshitever #funnyinstavid #bronkers #crazy #Brooklyn #brooklynshit
Posted by Queenzflip on Lunedì 30 novembre 2015
#flipsongreactions #RuffRydersAnthem PT 2YALL KNOW WHEN THAT VERSE DROP IT MAKES IT EXTRA HYPE ... YALL KNOW THE PART IM TALKING ABOUT #lol #hilarious #reaction #funniest15seconds #funniestshitever #crash #Family1st #funny #stupid #bruh #holdvinez #hoodvines #hoodvine #ratchet #ratchetville #Tears
Posted by Queenzflip on Venerdì 27 novembre 2015